16 September 2024 15:00 - 15:30
From conception to outcomes: Delivering your sales methodology from scratch
Leverage enablement to drive the development and adoption of a new sales methodologies. Take inspiration from Louisa's insights, experiences, and best practices for effectively delivering a sales methodology from scratch. Through real-world examples and interactive discussions, you'll gain valuable insights on:
- Designing the methodology: Learn how to conceptualize and develop a sales methodology tailored to your organization's unique needs and objectives.
- Driving adoption: Explore strategies for effectively introducing and gaining buy-in for the new methodology among sales teams and stakeholders.
- Implementing training: Discover best practices for designing and delivering training programs that support the successful adoption and implementation of the new sales methodology.
- Measuring impact: Learn how to track and measure the impact of the sales methodology on key performance metrics and outcomes, demonstrating its value to the organization.
Whether you're embarking on a new sales methodology initiative or looking to refine an existing approach, this discussion offers practical insights and strategies to help you drive success from conception to outcomes.