Director of Revenue Enablement & Operations
Thomas K. Cheriyan (also known as Tom) is a proven leader and innovator in the technology sector. He brings to the table years of experience in intellectual property, technology, engineering, thought leadership, strategic marketing, sales and business management. During his downtime, Tom is an Adjunct Professor at The City College of New York within The Grove School of Engineering teaching several graduate courses including Project Management, Engineering & Business Law, and Engineering Economics. With time remaining or from a multi-tasking perspective, he's also a full-time dad to two amazing daughters.
04 September 2024 11:45 - 12:15
The AI experience: creating a new competitive edge in 2023
It's 2023 and everyone thinks they are an expert on ChatGPT. This technology has been around long enough where you and your organization have no choice but to officially (or unofficially) start adopting this and show everyone else what "good" looks like. So, what is the best way to roll out a disruptive technology like ChatGPT? What are the do's and don'ts when it comes to ChatGPT? How do you teach reps to use this tool effectively so that it's actually helping them generate revenue vs. hurting them. In this session, we will explore the new skills (prompting) that reps will need in 2023 and beyond to effectively leverage ChatGPT in their sales practice, and most importantly, how can Enablement Leaders build an effective program behind and around ChatGPT so that you are ultimately driving the impact that you want.