Senior Enablement Program Manager
Alicia is a highly skilled enabler with over 15 years of experience who still enjoys learning something new everyday. Passionate about adult learning strategies to execute results oriented enablement. Prior to enablement, Alicia was a successful sales account executive.
13 November 2024 09:15 - 09:45
Fireside chat: Mastering the art of growth in your enablement career
This talk is focused on empowering you to master the art of growth in your sales enablement careers. This session is designed to provide valuable insights, strategies, and practical tips that you can immediately apply to navigate the dynamic landscape of sales enablement and excel in your professional journey. - Discover practical approaches to continuously develop in your career. - Explore different career paths and opportunities within the sales enablement field, with a focus on helping you make informed decisions based on your individual goals and aspirations. - Learn effective strategies for networking, building meaningful professional relationships, and leveraging mentorship to accelerate personal and professional growth. - Discover practical advice, real-life success stories, and actionable tips for overcoming challenges and achieving long-term career success in sales enablement. Walk away with valuable insights, actionable takeaways, and a renewed sense of confidence to embark on a journey of growth and mastery in your sales enablement career.