Director, Sales Enablement
Susan Quesal is a recovering academic and bonafide enablement nerd. She’s taught adults for the last 15+ years and has been focused on Revenue Enablement since 2018. She knows first-hand the value of coaching and enablement at scale from her experiences at rapidly growing, best-in-class companies like Q2, Glassdoor, and Seismic. Her greatest passion is using the strategic power of enablement to drive alignment across a growing business to create better customer outcomes and employee experiences.
14 November 2024 14:00 - 14:45
Panel discussion: Scaling enablement programs for global expansion
In this session, we'll be diving into the intricacies of scaling enablement programs to achieve successful global expansion. From the challenges and opportunities faced by organizations when extending their enablement initiatives across borders, you'll discover actionable insights, best practices, and innovative strategies that empower your team to overcome cultural, linguistic, and operational hurdles. Uncover the key ingredients necessary for crafting a cohesive global enablement framework that drives efficiency, consistency, and growth.