Director of Sales Enablement
Early on in her career, Kayleigh found joy in optimizing sales’ administrative work where possible; including sales in the design of tools or programs; and providing bite-sized, self-service, just-in-time resources. She happily made the jump to Sales Enablement 10 years ago after helping bridge a large gap between two GTM teams during her time at DocuSign. She has been supporting global GTM teams via robust training, communications, tool, and strategic programs ever since. Kayleigh is currently a Director of Sales Enablement at Pindrop, a passive voice authentication and fraud prevention solution for the contact center. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, doing yoga, and going exploring with her toddler and dog.
23 May 2024 09:15 - 09:45
Using design thinking and empathy maps to guide your enablement focus
Within this presenation, Kayleigh will give insight into how she has been using design thinking and empathy mapping to guide her enablement processes. Discover how these powerful methodologies can elevate your enablement strategies and create a more empathetic and effective approach to supporting your sales teams. Key focuses: - Dive into the practical application of empathy maps within the sales enablement context, providing valuable insights into the needs, challenges, and aspirations of your sales teams - Learn how design thinking and empathy maps empower you to align enablement initiatives with the specific needs and experiences of your sales force, ensuring maximum impact - Understand the iterative problem-solving approach inherent in design thinking, and how it can be seamlessly integrated into your enablement strategy for continuous improvement By attending this presentation, enablement professionals will gain practical insights tangible methodologies that will assist in helping you integrate design thinking and empathy maps into their enablement focuses.