Ravi Rajani Consulting
From fumbling into dance school as a kid, stumbling into theatre as a teen and then beginning his Sales career on the trading floor at Citibank, Ravi has secretly been learning the art of storytelling from the first moment he stepped onto a stage. Today, as a keynote speaker and storytelling consultant, Ravi's trained B2B sales teams at companies like Forbes, Oracle NetSuite and Crunchbase on how to unlock human connection, build trust and unsell the status quo using influential storyselling.
26 March 2024 10:30 - 11:00
Stories that sell: 5 ways to craft a customer story that converts
In the world of B2B sales, the disease affecting revenue professionals everywhere is their addiction to feature selling. Unknowingly, it's secretly costing them attention, connection and the opportunity to become their buyer's trusted guide. In order to stop having transactional conversations that break trust, stunt the sales cycle and crush win rates, your sellers need to learn how to deliver succinct customer stories that connect with champions and convert decision-makers into lifelong customers. When harnessed correctly inside of the buyer's journey, this will stop your sellers from competing on price, being compared to the competition and engaging in product-centric discussions. By the end of your time with Ravi, you will learn 5 specific ways enablement teams are using customer stories to help their sellers win more deals, in less time.