Sales Enablement Manager - APJ
New Relic
Lee is a multi-award-winning Instructional Designer with hands-on experience across the spectrum of learning and enablement activities. Currently delivering full-stack enablement for APJ-region at New Relic, Lee is an agent for change, a creative thinker and thought-leader. Lee's success in enablement leverages his strong background in sales, before he decided to swallow the red pill, and turn his attention to enabling others to win.
06 November 2023 09:15 - 09:45
Fireside chat: Progressing in your enablement career
Progressing in your sales enablement career requires a combination of passion, perseverance, and strategic planning. In this fireside talk, seasoned enablement professionals will engage in a candid conversation, sharing their personal experiences, insights, and lessons learned on the path to career advancement. Attendees will gain practical advice, actionable strategies, and inspiration to accelerate their professional growth and achieve their goals within the dynamic field of sales enablement.