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Head Sales Trainer & Facilitator
It is Nicholas' life mission to be an inspiring and motivating speaker who tells people not only what they want to hear, but what they need to hear. He is a speaker on 'thinking mechanics' that delivers insight into the most important leadership role anyone of us will have, the leadership of ourselves. Nicholas was invited to deliver his international keynote at the 2019 International Toastmaster Convention in Denver, CO to audience over 800. Through his own personal revelation, he finally was able to answer the question that bugged him for years "why am I here - do I have a purpose?" His purpose is to speak and to speak specifically about two of the most fundamental attributes of the human experience - the establishment of individual purpose and the eradication of shame that hinders this occurring. This is married to Nicholas' other joy and that is his ability to teach, train and facilitate within a workshop environment to help others become better versions of themselves. His focus in this area is to use his 18 years of selling and sales leadership experience to deliver world-class sales training and enablement on sales skills and methodology to enhance the performance of sales organisations.
07 November 2024 10:15 - 10:45
Supercharge your coaching: Accelerating deal cycles
Long sales cycles can stall momentum and leave deals languishing. This session equips sales enablement professionals with powerful coaching techniques to empower sales reps and accelerate deals through the pipeline. Gain insight into: - Identifying deal velocity killers: Uncovering the common pitfalls that contribute to lengthy sales cycles, such as unclear qualification criteria or ineffective objection handling. - Coaching for strategic acceleration: Developing coaching strategies to equip sales reps with the skills to move deals forward at each stage of the sales cycle. - Mastering the art of the objection: Equipping sales reps with effective objection handling techniques to overcome hurdles and keep deals progressing. - Building urgency and value: Coaching reps on strategies to communicate value propositions clearly and build a sense of urgency with prospects. - Data-driven coaching: Leveraging sales data and analytics to identify trends and tailor coaching interventions for maximum impact on deal velocity. Join this session and discover how to become a "Closer Coach"! Learn powerful techniques to empower your sales reps, shorten sales cycles, and close more deals faster!